Professional Growth--- This one is easy!
- During 2013 I am going to take Phono-Graphix training.
- I am finally beginning to feel comfortable merging my schools basal program and guided reading so I hope to continue with that as well.
- I also plan to learn as much about common core before we are required to use it.
Downtime--- The hardest of all the resolution has to be this one. I say that because I think these will be the hardest to keep.
- I would like to leave school by 4:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday. I tutor until 4:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I will probably stick to my 4:45- 5 pm exit.
- I am also committing to not bringing work home during the week. Once put my kiddos in the car I am going to focus on them! My three are getting so big so fast I didn't realize quite how big until I spent Christmas break with my little Ellie. Which leads in into my next downtime resolution...
- I plan to focus on my littlest a bit more. She'll be 3 in 19 days I feel like I need to be more present in her daily life. I get to spend a lot of time with AJ and Ko during their various activities but I feel like poor E gets slighted.
- Spending time with my Gish is another downtime goal. Leaving time for us is hard once we take care of the kids and finish our day jobs so planning our monthly outings will be a priority.
Feeling caught up! Wooohoo! Be back tomorrow to complete January's Currently!