Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Room Update

Things got a little busy with Kevin out of town last week so I wasn't able to post what I have been up to with my classroom. With camp over now and one week until I officially go back the self applied pressure is on and I moving along!
Today I laminated my heart out. I think there are a few more things I need to laminate but dread the cutting of these little owls I am using for my door so I'll wait till I get that done.

Next just for full disclosure this this what the middle of my room looks like. I have piles EVERYWHERE and am busy sorting through stuff so I can store it or toss it. With my closet doors being gone I can't really shove stuff and hide it anymore.
I think I pretty much have my library/den area ready to go. I changed the trim behind two bulletin boards today to make it less busy and go with my curtains a bit more...
This weekend my Mom, Aunt and Grampa helped me make these beauties! I heart them so! They nicely cover up the storage I do have in the closet so you don't see rolls of paper towels anymore :D
I think I may need to make one more magenta panel for the middle door so it can gather more but we'll see. Pretty much I am using, teal, magenta, orange and lime green for accents.
Finally finished updating my word wall ABC's from fish to owls. I think it looks pretty cute.
I am still not sure about this bulletin board. While I love the saying, I am not sure I like the colors. But alas I don't have any fadeless paper in the colors I mentioned and I am not sure my bank account would appreciate another trip to the teacher store so for now it stays. (I think). I did change the board to match the birthday turtle ones.
So what do you think should I make it all blue? Should I get some teal paper? Or will I have to change all the paper on the turtles and owl-standing work????

So questions, where do you all store construction paper?? See a spot where I can post my D5 chart?

Today I am hoping to finish my clip chart so I can share it with everyone. I am super excited about how it is coming along! My little helper will have a friend to play with today so hopefully I will get a bit more done.


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